Too True
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My initial reaction, upon looking at the bios of the 10 winners, was that they were rather more establishment, and more "WaPo Columnist" (read conservative and mindless difference splitters) than I had hoped.
But I kind of figured that this might be sour grapes on my part, so I would let their biographies, and their submissions, percolate through my brain before I drew a firm conclusion.
Well, Kevin Drum, who already has a job as a pundit, and did not throw his hat into the Washington Post's ring, has taken a look at these winners of at this stage, and has a similar impression of them.
This is particularly notable because I am of the opinion that Drum spends too much time being a "mindless difference splitter", so he is coming from a place that is far closer to the WaPo editorial board than I am.
His take on the winners:
By the way, the ten winners include a Nobel Prize winner, a Bush 43 assistant secretary of commerce (guess which one), a senior correspondent for the American Prospect, an analyst at the Council on Foreign Relations, a former researcher at the Kennedy School of Government, an Atlantic Media fellow, and a small-town newspaper editor. Not exactly a crowd of just plain folks. It might have been more fun to read the other 4,790 entries.Well, that's a bit harsher than I would have been, but go and read the Drum's post...It's a good read.
Recently, the Federal Reserve has been on a populist bent, expanding its purview to regulate non bank lenders, issuing rulings on bank overdraft fees, demanding information from financial institutions on compensation, and issuing new consumer protections for mortgages, home-equity loans, and credit cards.Nothing too earth shattering, but there are a lot of better thinkers, and better writers, out there, and looking back on it, my invocation of Fabius Maximus was probably a mistake. It's too Monty Python's Life of Brian.
Why? Has the Fed realized that its regulatory regime has failed the general public, or is this the result of increasing calls for change from other branches of government?
This is not a conversion on the road to Damascus, but rather the Fed has decided to employ the strategy of Fabius Maximus, who used delay to give Rome victory over Carthage.
With proposals to audit their books, move consumer protection to another agency, and change the selection process for the regional Fed bank presidents, it is clear that some in Congress are looking to clip the Fed's wings.
Organizations fight fiercely for their authority, and against external oversight. The recent actions on consumer protections are part of a rear guard action to protect their bureaucratic prerogatives.
This is understandable, but it is a disservice to both the public and the Federal Reserve.
The Federal Reserve's responsibilities are to maintain a stable currency and stable economy, which involves removing the proverbial "punch bowl" when times are good, in order to prevent inflation, and to provide liquidity when times are bad to allow the economy to recover.
Additionally, the Federal Reserve structure and history make it obsessively focused on protecting the banking system, and, the banking industry. That is why it has eschewed consumer protections until recently: it is loath to reduce the profits of the banks it supervises.
No institution can do this without being firmly protected from politics, since political pressure will always favor immediate growth, even at the cost of future catastrophe. Just look at Zimbabwe.
Consumer protection does not need separation from politics though, it needs to be engaged with those consumers, whom it is charged to protect, and with the representatives who have been elected by these people.
This requires a level of transparency and responsiveness to the public that is antithetical to the primary functions of a central bank.
If the members of the Federal Reserve wish to remain independent, which is both best for the country, and for the Federal Reserve, we should move those functions to other agencies which are more directly answerable to the public.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
7:15 PM
Labels: 40yrs, Good Writing, Media, Meta
As Atrios notes, the idea that some "moderate Democrats" are pushing for, a Bipartisan commission to propose spending cuts and tax hikes, is really, really, Really, REALLY stupid.
First, there are no Republicans on the national level who will support any new taxes, and second, look at the "Democrats" who are supporting this.
According to the article, a "group of 10 senators — nine moderate Democrats and an independent," so and so the article definitively fingers the following people:
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
5:29 PM
Labels: Budget, Congress, Legislation, Taxes
Can't believe that it is only about 8:00pm
Dam daylight savings time.
[on edit]
The musical stylings of John Entwhistle and the who:
I saw him do this song when he played The Channel in Boston in 1987.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
5:12 PM
Labels: family
The Chance Of Schwarzenegger’s ‘F*ck You’ Acrostic Being Random: One In A Trillion
I kind of figured that.
Older post.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
4:56 PM
In California, it looks like it will be Jerry Brown running as the Dem for Governor, because Gavin Newsome has quit the race, because of weak support and poor fund-raising.
Additionally, in the very odd special election for New York's 23rd Congressional district, Republican Dierdre Scozzafava has suspended her campaign, after coming up short on money and placing 3rd in recent polls.
The numbers were about 35% for Doug Hoffman, the Club for Growth approved Neanderthal, 35% for Bill Owens, the Democratic candidate about whom I know nothing, and about 25% for Scozzafava.
Her name will remain on the ballot, which is, I think a message to Hoffman that he should go Cheney himself, but I'm an engineer, not a psychologist, dammit!*
I think that this puts Hoffman the live dead girl/live boy† favorite in the overwhelmingly Republican district now, though I think that there are a number of people who will vote for Scozzafava anyway, because they do not want to vote for Hoffman, who is a carpetbagger with absolutely no interest in the real issues of the district, but cannot bring themselves to pull the "D" lever.
*I LOVE IT when I get to go all Doctor McCoy!!!
†Edwin Edwards, when discovering that he would be facing David Duke in the Louisiana governor's race, said that the the only way that he would lose were if he were, "caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy".
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
1:57 PM
If you plot annual rate of bank failures vs time of year, it looks like we might hit 150 bank failures this year.
With 7 Fridays to go, they won't be doing a closing on Christmas, that's an 5 failures a week until the end of the year.
My guess would be somewhat less, in the 135-145 failures through the end of the year though.
Note that the data at the start of the year is of a smaller grouping, so inherently noisier.
The trend from June on seems to be clear: that bank failures, which were at around 1½ a week, began accelerating, and it now looks to be averaging around 3/week.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
12:57 PM
Labels: Finance, regulation, Statistics
And here they are, ordered, and numbered for the year so far.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
9:23 AM
Labels: Finance, regulation
So, the delayed launch of the Ares I launcher was deemed a success, except, of course, for the whole recovery parachutes failing and damaging the nominally reusable shuttle solid rocket booster derived first stage.
The first stage suffered some significant damage as a result of the failure, though, for now, at least, the rest of the flight is considered to be "nominal."
I'll wait for the full report.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
6:40 AM
Labels: Breaking News, NASA, Space
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
5:05 AM
Labels: Nuclear Power, Russia, Space, technology
The allegations are rather different from the run of the mill bribery cases, where someone pays a government official to buy their products.
Instead, it is alleged that Saab paid bribes to get information on Korea's indigenous fighter program, so as better to compete for business.
SAAB is denying this.
The core of the allegations is that the president of the Security Management Institute (SMI), a private research company, was invited to a trade seminar in Sweden, and that SAAB covered his expenses, to the tune of $17,200.
Me, I'm just confused.
Earlier post.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
4:28 AM
Labels: Aviation, Corruption, Defense Procurement, Far East
The progress of TRAPS has not been as fast as one might expect. It was first unveiled at an Army trade show back in October 2006, after spending $3.5 million in Pentagon cash the previous year. Phase II testing is still to take place, and an operational system will be some way down the line. Janes notes the timing of the latest tests –- Textron is bidding to be part of the Army’s new Joint Light Tactical Vehicle (JLTV) program.It's running late, and it appears to be over budget.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
3:49 AM
Labels: Defense Procurement, Military, Missile Defense, technology
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
3:39 AM
Labels: Aviation, Latin America, Video
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
6:52 PM
Labels: Friday Blogging, Funny, Photographs
Sharon,* a teacher before becoming an educational consultant, found this to be a hoot.
*Love of my life, light of the cosmos, she who must be obeyed, my wife.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
6:17 PM
I plighted Sharon's* troth.
We were married on October 30, 1994.
If we can get the kids to bed early enough, we'll plight some more troth tonight.
*Love of my life, light of the cosmos, she who must be obeyed, my wife.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
6:08 PM
Labels: family
It does raise an interesting point.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
6:00 PM
Labels: Funny, Science Fiction, Video
It looks like the standoff has ended, and that Manuel Zelaya will be returning to serve the last 3 months of his term.
Of note is that neither Zelaya, who is constitutionally forbidden from running, nor Roberto Micheletti who took control following the coup, will be running.
The question is whether a free and fair election, and a free and fair campaign, can be run now.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
5:51 PM
Labels: Civil Rights, Elections, Foreign Relations, Latin America
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
5:05 PM
Labels: Economy, Finance, Real Estate, Recession, regulation, Statistics
I will not be the Washington Post's "Next Great Pundit":
Thank you for entering the first season of the America’s Next Great Pundit contest. You didn’t make the judging easy for us. Not only did we get nearly 5,000 entries, but a great many of those entries were really quite excellent -- smart, interesting, funny, well written and well argued. So while we’re sorry to say that we can’t include you as one of our ten finalists this time around, we hope this isn’t the last time we hear from you. We hope you’ll follow the rest of the contest and participate as voters. But even more important, we hope you’ll pitch us more of your work. The various ways you can send various types of pieces are outlined here:So it goes.
Thanks again for giving this a try. We enjoyed reading.
The Editors
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
4:40 PM
NYSE Euronext (NYX.N)(NYX.PA), the parent of the exchange, said the delays followed "an inordinate influx" of orders received as Friday's session got under way. Later in the session, the company had to temporarily transfer quote processing to a backup system before the problem was resolved around noon.Yeah, and it could just be an ordinary f%$#-up, and I'm being a conspiracy nut.
The exchange's quote delays caused some tickers to be locked, but a NYSE spokesman said trades were continuous throughout.
"It was an influx of erroneous orders which were caught before they were executed," said Ray Pellecchia. He could not say where the orders came from.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
2:02 PM
Yesterday, I mentioned Obama's trip to Dover to pay his respects to the dead whose caskets were coming back that day.
I figured that at some point, some prominent Republican would try to cast it ad evil and sinister, and out of the gate comes Liz Cheney, on the John Gibson Show:
"I think that what President Bush used to do is do it without the cameras. And I don't understand sort of showing up with the White House Press Pool with photographers and asking family members if you can take pictures. That's really hard for me to get my head around...It was a surprising way for the president to choose to do this."Only, neither George W. Bush or...You know....Her Father ever went to pay their respects to the dead.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
1:37 PM
Labels: Afghanistan, Evil, Hypocrisy, Politics, White House
It appears that Bank of America and its subsidiary Countrywide Home Loans are routinely destroying mortgage documents:
Bank of America and Countrywide Home Loans destroyed mortgage documents, and "recreate" them by "insert(ing) data as they see fit," to cover up their own failure to keep records - or their fraud - according to a federal RICO class action.The lawsuit alleges that the records were destroyed, "in an attempt to suppress damaging information."
"To cover up the servicing mistakes and fraud and misrepresentation in the servicing of a consumer escrow, Defendants 'recreate' letters, insert data as they see fit, and fail to produce the entire HUD complaint form. This way, a consumer is left in the dark about the fraud that occurred to them," the complaint states.
Lead plaintiff Kim Gorham says that when she sent a letter seeking information about her escrow account, she was informed that it had been "destroyed by a letter opener."
After repeated requests, Gorham, who is blind, received her purported escrow analysis, but it was "100 percent illegible," according to the complaint. The defendants knew that Gorham was legally blind, the complaint states.
She says that getting a "clear and concise" statement from the defendants has been an "impossible task."
Countrywide routinely responded to customers' requests for records by claiming they were "unavailable or destroyed," according to the complaint.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
1:31 PM
Labels: Corruption, Finance, Justice, Real Estate
Who cares if Wall Street 'talent' leaves?
Note that this article, whose thesis is that these folks are a bunch of incompetent losers who the world of finance could do without, was written at that bastion of Marxism Fortune Magazine.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
12:15 PM
Labels: Finance, Labor, Philosophy
I came across an article in the Washington Post yesterday....No really in the paper edition, about the problems with healthcare in China.
In a rather extensive article, they show how the increasingly private healthcare system is bankrupting ordinary Chinese:
China's health-care system is in disarray, a side effect of the market reforms that have spurred private enterprise and rapid growth since 1980. Before then, state-owned companies offered cradle-to-grave care, part of a system based on danwei, or work units, that provided health, education, pensions and other benefits. But as the economy has grown more diverse, an increasing number of Chinese have had to fend for themselves, with only a porous government insurance program to help.While there are some problems with a shortage of medical facilities, particularly in the rural hinterlands, the problem is that people are having their lives destroyed by the costs that they must bear under an increasingly spotty system of healthcare access.
China's State Council is eager to improve the situation but can't decide how. The government currently fixes the prices of all medical services, and doctors are treated -- and paid -- like public officials. But that has contributed to a shortage of doctors as many talented Chinese choose better-paid professions.So this guy's solution is to raise prices, when the problem is not that there aren't enough doctors, but that it's already too expensive, because this will have doctors clamoring to treat all those rich people farming in rural areas?
Some experts say more private spending and investment would improve the system. Gordon G. Liu, a professor of economics at Beijing University's Guanghua School of Management, said he would let people with means spend more money on care, which he said would increase the availability of care by giving doctors incentives to work harder and by luring more Chinese into the medical profession.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
8:07 AM
Labels: China, Hack Journalism, Healthcare
The search revealed a sex enhancement drug and some sex toys. According to the report, Corning told Wines he had a prescription for the medication and the other items were always in the car "just in case."(emphasis mine)
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
7:47 AM
Labels: 40yrs, Corruption, Funny, Hypocrisy, Politics, Schadenfreude, Sex, Video
Only 15 percent of the 624 voters polled between October 14 and 18 would re-elect Paterson while 72 percent preferred someone else, the poll by Siena College's Research Institute found.The only question is whether he bows out, gets beaten in the primary, or gets beaten in the general.
The governor's job performance was rated negative by 79 percent to 19 percent.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
7:02 PM
Labels: Elections, Finance, Polls, regulation, Video
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
6:29 PM
Labels: Auto Industry, Campaign Finance, Currency, Economy, employment, Energy, Real Estate, Recession
It appears that people who want to treat their employees like so much excrement are distressed that Barack Obama is not vociferously anti union, and that under his watch union leaders have access to, and information from, the White House, and that sensible rules have been established:
Delta Air Lines, the world’s largest carrier, would be more likely to lose union elections sought by flight attendants and machinists if a proposal by the AFL-CIO is approved.Yes, under the old system, a non-vote was counted as a no vote, so you could lose because someone got the sniffles, or just didn't want to be bothered to vote.
The workers asked the National Mediation Board in July and August to clear the way for an election. Last month, the AFL-CIO petitioned the board to revise procedures and allow a union if most of those voting approve, instead of a majority of all workers in the class.
The board plans to announce a proposal in coming days to advance the union request on voting rules, people familiar with the matter said. Seven Republican senators said in a Sept. 30 letter that the board was delaying a decision on the union election while it considers the new vote-counting method.
“You have two former heads of AFL-CIO unions at the NMB and they really are politicizing the process,” Delta CEO Richard Anderson said on a conference call with investors last week.My heart bleeds borscht for you sadistic equestrian necrophiliac...But that's beating a dead horse.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
3:33 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, Labor, Politics, Union, White House
In this case, he discusses financial reform with John Kellogg Hodgman, and he nails it.
I don't know whether to laugh or to cry.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
3:06 PM
In order to deal with budget issues, Mayor Daley of Chicago is considering selling its water system to private operators, and allowing them to charge whatever they want.
So he gets the money, and succeeding generations get the revenue loss and more expensive water.
Also, the state that has so many bad ideas that it gave us both Barry Goldwater and John McCain is looking to turn over operation of their prisons to a private firm.
This one is a little different though, because private prisons have already been tried, and failed, with some of the institutions going so far as to bribe judges to send children to them for minor crimes.
This will not end well.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
2:28 PM
Labels: Business, Corrections, Corruption, Government, Philosophy, Stupid
There have been 6 plants so far that have rejected Ford's request concessions on their contracts in order to match the terms at Chrysler and GM.
I understand it. If I were a worker on the Ford shop floor, and I had already made major concessions about 8 months ago, I'd want to make sure that the shareholders, including the Ford family, were wiped out before I would give anything more:
[UAW Local President Tom] Spears, who backed the contract changes, said in an interview. “The membership did not have a warm reception to additional contract modifications. We did this in ‘05, ‘07 and in February and now they’re back at us again.”Of course, you will doubtless hear how these guys are being selfish and stupid, and have to give back more, but if you go through those same papers over the weeks before and after, you will find them defending the outrageous pay and bonus contracts as sacrosanct.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
2:03 PM
Labels: Auto Industry, Labor, Union
There it is in black and white, on the opinion page of the Rupert Murdoch owned Wall Street Journal, a we have an article that calls out the Rupert Murdoch owned Fox News for lack of journalistic integrity:
But no journalistic operation is better prepared to sing the tragedy of its own martyrdom than Fox News. To all the usual journalistic instincts it adds its grand narrative of Middle America's disrespectful treatment by the liberal elite. Persecution fantasy is Fox News's lifeblood; give it the faintest whiff of the real thing and look out for a gale-force hissy fit.The author, Thomas Frank, had better hope that Rupert Murdoch does not read the OP/ED page of his flagship newspaper.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
1:32 PM
Labels: Good Writing, Hack Journalism, Journalism, Media, Wanker
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
12:48 PM
Labels: Afghanistan, Integrity, Military, Video, War
Stewart is more about the wankitude of the pundits and the political process, particularly Joe Lieberman, who gets absolutely savaged.
Colbert, on the other hand, goes more into the nuts and bolts of insurance, and describes getting screwed by insurance company execs as, "A pre-existing condition."
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
12:24 PM
Labels: Congress, Funny, Healthcare, Legislation, Video
Just heard it on the radio.
No clue as to what is going on, but it was an underground lot for the synagogue, so whoever did this wasn't just a crime of opportunity.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
12:20 PM
Labels: Breaking News, Crimes, Judaism, Religion
PDF link to house bill. (1990 pages)
I don't read that fast, but here is a my summary based on reading the Wonk Room's summaries:
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
8:20 AM
Labels: Congress, Healthcare, Legislation
Listening on CSPAN.Pelosi is giving her House leadership is giving their press conference on the steps of the Capitol.
10: 38 am -- Will close "Doughnut Hole" on prescription drugs.
10: 39 am -- Will have public option and end preexisting condition exclusion.
10: 39 am -- No specifics
Other folks:
10: 46 am -- Carole Shea Porter brings out the "Petting Zoo": a medicare recipient from New Hampshire to talk about Doughnut hole.
10: 49 am -- Doughnut hole will be phased out between 2010 through 2019.
10: 52 am -- More "petting zoo" with a small business owner.
James Clyburn:
10: 56 am -- Just introduces Mary Joe Kilroy, who has MS.
10: 52 am -- Changes on caps, pre-existing conditions, etc.
11:03 am -- More petting zoo.
11:11 am -- We're just into soundbites now, bye.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
7:35 AM
Labels: Breaking News, Congress, Healthcare, Legislation
You know, when you are an insurance company, like Blue Cross/Blue Shield, it is not a good idea for you to include a request for your customers to contact their Congressman to oppose the public option along with a notice of a rate increase:
First, they learned their rates will rise by an average of 11 percent next year.(emphasis mine)
Next, they opened a slick flier from the insurer urging them to send an enclosed pre-printed, postage-paid note to Sen. Kay Hagan denouncing what the company says is unfair competition that would be imposed by a government-backed insurance plan. The so-called public option is likely to be considered by Congress in the health-care overhaul debate.
"No matter what you call it, if the federal government intervenes in the private health insurance market, it's a slippery slope to a single-payer system," the BCBS flier read. "Who wants that?"
Plenty of people, it turns out.
Indignant Blue Cross customers have rebelled against the insurer's message, complaining that their premium dollars have funded such a campaign.
They've hit the Internet in a flurry of e-mails to friends and neighbors throughout the state. They've called Hagan's office to voice support for a public option. They've marked through the Blue Cross message on their postcards to instead vouch support, then dropped them in the mail -- in at least one case taped to a brick -- to be paid on Blue Cross' dime. Or dimes.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
7:27 AM
Labels: 40yrs, Healthcare, Insurance, Politics, Stupid
Ahmed Wali Karzai, the brother of the Afghan president and a suspected player in the country’s booming illegal opium trade, gets regular payments from the Central Intelligence Agency, and has for much of the past eight years, according to current and former American officials.The article then notes that this "raises questions" about our current Afghanistan policy.
The agency pays Mr. Karzai for a variety of services, including helping to recruit an Afghan paramilitary force that operates at the C.I.A.’s direction in and around the southern city of Kandahar, Mr. Karzai’s home.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
6:14 PM
Labels: Afghanistan, Corruption, Drugs, Intelligence
People who got laid off from Boeing have better mental health than those who remained:
Would it surprise you to learn that survivors can suffer just as much, if not more, than colleagues who get laid off? It certainly surprised a team of academic researchers who embedded themselves at Boeing (BA) from 1996 to 2006, a tumultuous decade during which the company laid off tens of thousands. The results of the study will appear next year in a Yale University Press book called Turbulence: Boeing and the State of American Workers and Managers. "How much better off the laid-off were was stunning and shocking to us," says Sarah Moore, a University of Puget Sound industrial psychology professor who is one of the book's four authors. "So much of the literature talks about how dreadful unemployment is."(emphasis mine)
In the greatest surprise of all, the researchers discovered that the people who had been laid off often were happier than those left behind. Many had new jobs, even if they didn't always pay as well. Over and over, Moore says, average depression scores were nearly twice as great for those who stayed with Boeing vs. those who left. The laid-off were less likely to binge drink, often slept better, and had fewer chronic health problems.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
4:25 PM
Labels: 40yrs, Aviation, employment, Psychology
A retired chairman of Citigroup writing to the New York Times suggesting that the Glass-Steagall separation between commercial and investment banks should be re-instituted post haste:
To the Editor:Seriously, this is Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man kind of news.
Re “Volcker’s Voice, Often Heeded, Fails to Sell a Bank Strategy” (front page, Oct. 21):
As another older banker and one who has experienced both the pre- and post-Glass-Steagall world, I would agree with Paul A. Volcker (and also Mervyn King, governor of the Bank of England) that some kind of separation between institutions that deal primarily in the capital markets and those involved in more traditional deposit-taking and working-capital finance makes sense.
This, in conjunction with more demanding capital requirements, would go a long way toward building a more robust financial sector.
John S. Reed
New York, Oct. 21, 2009
The writer is retired chairman of Citigroup.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
4:19 PM
Labels: Finance, Media, regulation
!So, it looks like yet another organization has had to downsize. It's moving out of its headquarters, in the heart of Washington, DC, which they moved into about a year ago, because it's too expensive for them now.
Who is this organization? Why it's the Mortgage Bankers Association, of course, who have discovered that their new $76 million dollar digs are no longer affordable:
Since the purchase in May 2008, the U.S. economy has suffered one of the most severe recessions in a century, and the residential and commercial real estate markets have materially deteriorated. These factors, coupled with a challenging leasing environment, led the MBA Board to conclude that continued ownership of 1331 L Street was economically imprudent, and over the long term would impair MBA's ability to continue providing our members with MBA's full range of services.My guess? That they got f$#@ed over by the fine print in their mortgage.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
4:08 PM
Labels: 40yrs, Funny, Politics, Real Estate, Schadenfreude
It was attached to the defense appropriations bill, and Obama just signed that into law.
That's not all, the bill also (finally) puts a stake through the heart of the unnecessary and gold plated F-22, and provides funding for the (IMNSHO essential) 2nd engine for the JSF.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
3:33 PM
Labels: Budget, Civil Rights, Congress, Defense Procurement, LGBT, White House
Remember yesterday, when I said that consumer confidence fell? Well, that was the Conference Board. According to Nielsen, U.S. consumer confidence is up for the first time since 2007, as well as most of the rest of the world.
I think that both organizations conduct reputable surveys, but they got different answers because they asked different questions. This is something that one should consider for any survey.
In the world of slightly more objective metrics, we have durable goods orders rising for the 4th time in 6 months, which is good news, but New home sales unexpectedly fell.
I'm not sure why new home sales falling was "unexpected". They are recorded when the contract is made, and not when they close, whereas existing home sales are recorded at closing, which means that people who had not bought new homes by the end of August, were really pushing it to qualify for the first time buyer tax credit, which require that the deal be closed by the end of November.
The end of the tax credit is why mortgage applications fell, even though rates fell.
In fact the divergence between new and existing home sales (more later) is a real indicator of how much that tax credit is goosing things.
In the world of central banks, the Norwegian central bank raised its benchmark rate, but the New Zealand bank kept its rate steady.
Of course, there is some apples and oranges here, because Norway raised its rate to 1.5%, and the Kiwis kept their rate steady at 2.5%.
In either case, the markets are not being optimistic, with oil falling below $78/bbl, and the dollar and yen strengthening on a flight to safety.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
3:16 PM
Labels: Currency, Economy, Energy, Real Estate, Recession, Statistics
It looks like one of the bad policies out there is on a path to be extended,
The Senate is close to a deal to extend the new home buyer tax credit, which means that we will continue to keep paying people to overpay for their houses.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
12:56 PM
Labels: Congress, Finance, Legislation, Real Estate, regulation
I went to a job fair today down in Rockville, MD.
I have never gotten a lead from going to a job fair, and I don't expect one now, but I wanted to get some practice in "meet and greet".
I did get some schwag*, a bottle opener and a 1 liter drinking bottle, but I don't expect anything else.
45 minutes talking with a dozen or so firms and handing out resumes, and an hour there and back...Time that I will never get back.
*Some people claim that the term is swag, and that schwag is reserved for skanky and low quality weed.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
12:38 PM
Labels: employment
Their editorial board just called out Obama as Bush II on torture and secrecy.
OP/EDs generally don't mean much, but I think that the Times, at least in its unsigned editorials, is a barometer of a certain segment of the population, or at least that segment that doesn't live inside the DC Beltway, and as such, this could mean a trend.
I'd give it about 5 to 1 against it being a trend, but a week ago, I would have said 20 to 1.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
5:55 PM
Labels: Barack Obama, Crimes Against Humanity, Justice, Torture, White House
Here is an interesting fact: If you retired from Delphi, the bankrupt GM parts supplier, and you are a member of the UAW, your pension is safe, because the Union fought for contractual assurances that it would be safe, but for non-union middle management? Not so much:
But four months later, Mr. Gump finds himself in a far more perilous condition than his neighbors.This is not "government largesse", of course, it's because the Union used its clout to protect its people, and got agreements and guarantees from GM as a result.
On his street, he is the only Delphi worker whose pension benefits may be cut. His neighbors all belong to unions and have received a lifeline in an unprecedented deal related to the government-supervised bankruptcy of General Motors, the onetime parent of Delphi. (G.M. spun off the parts division as a separate company 10 years ago.)
Mr. Gump and some 21,000 other salaried workers and retirees are furious that their roughly 46,000 union co-workers at Delphi have had their benefits restored, apparently with government largesse, and they have not.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
5:41 PM
Labels: Auto Industry, Labor, Politics, Union
"A bit of dithering might have been in order before we went into Iraq in pursuit of non-existent weapons of mass destruction," Will said on ABC's "This Week. "For a representative of the Bush administration to accuse someone of taking too much time is missing the point. We have much more to fear in this town from hasty than from slow government action."When you have lost the guy who drilled Ronald Reagan for his debates with Jimmy Carter while using Carter's stolen briefing books, you've lost everyone.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
5:15 PM
Labels: Afghanistan, Iraq, Politics, Video, War
You've seen it, the various mash-ups that have been done with the German movie Downfall (Der Untergang), where people take a rant by Hitler, as played by Bruno Ganz, and subtitle it, so it appears that he is ranting about XBox games, losing a parking space, becoming a meme, or Super Bowl Results.
Well, it now appears that Constantin Film Produktion GmbH is hitting Youtube with a flurry of DMCA takedown demands. As Brad Templeton of the EFF Notes, this is absurd. The copies do no damage to the producers of the movie, and people are watching this short bit (about 4 minutes) for the subtitles, not the film.
He makes some very good points about just how absurd the hoops that he had to jump through in order to make the film in full accordance of the DMCA, despite the fact that this is clearly fair use.
Go read,
He also gets jiggy with the Hitler rant, only this time, Hitler is assuming the role of a studio executive, not much of a stretch, and trying to lock down the content.
It's very funny, and contains the classic line, "Have you seen how good that Führerbunker scene is? Bruno Ganz does a great Hitler!"
Video follows:
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
5:09 PM
Labels: Copyright, Good Writing, IP, Laws, Video
I like this.
It appears that theHouse Financial Services Committee has gotten to work on a resolution (i.e. liquidation) process for failed mega-banks, and at its core is the idea that financial firms with more than $10 billion in assets would pay for the cost of unwinding failed firms:
The proposal would require financial firms with more than $10 billion of assets to pay for the unwinding of a collapsed competitor. The measure would also give the Federal Reserve the power to direct any large financial holding company to sell or transfer assets or stop certain activities if the central bank determined there could be a "threat to the safety and soundness of such company or to the financial stability of the United States." This suggests the Fed would win new authority to order companies to shrink.It's a good step, though I really don't want this under the Fed.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
4:52 PM
Labels: Congress, Finance, Legislation, regulation
Yes, it appears that the US Chamber of Commerce, in a desperate bid for wankitude, had decided to sue the Yes Menfor their phony press release and press conference where they announced that the Chamber would support global warming legislation.
Here is a video of the press conference, complete with a real CoC representative bursting in and calling them out.
With the lawsuit, it will go viral:
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
4:31 PM
When president of the New York Fed, Timothy "Eddie Haskell" Geithner cut a secret deal on the credit default swaps of AIG.
It appears that AIG had already negotiated haircuts, on the order of 60¢ on the dollar, for the credit default swaps, but then Geithner stepped in, and decided to pay the counter parties, which included, big surprise, that great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity,* Goldman Sachs:
Part of a sentence in the document was crossed out. It contained a blank space that was intended to show the amount of the haircut the banks would take, according to people who saw the term sheet. After less than a week of private negotiations with the banks, the New York Fed instructed AIG to pay them par, or 100 cents on the dollar. The content of its deliberations has never been made public.The argument was that some of the counter parties would have gone belly up if Geithner had not overpaid them, but I'm with John Carney of Clusterstock:
No doubt regulators would say that paying full price was necessary. But it was not.Gee, I wonder why it was never made public?
A far better move would have been to transparently bailout firms that needed the additional capital instead of doing it in an under-handed way. Even better would have been to have forced those firms with too much exposure to AIG to seek out new capital in the markets, possibly converting debt to equity and wiping out existing shareholders. Goldman Sachs claims that it didn't need the AIG bailout bucks to survive--a claim whose truth we'll never actually know because of the bungled operation of the bailout.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
4:09 PM
Labels: Corruption, Finance, regulation
So, Microsoft teamed up with Seth MacFarlane for a Family Guy/American Dad special, and when they saw the show, they dropped it like it was nude pictures of Joe Lieberman.
They had promised, "an upcoming television event devoted to the comedy of Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy, American Dad and The Cleveland Show" that would be, "unique Windows 7-branded programming that blends seamlessly with show content".
So far, so good, but what they also got was"
According to reports, Redmond marketeers sat in on the recording of the variety special. While Windows marketing messages were presumably seamlessly integrated into the schtick, so were jokes about deaf people, the Holocaust, feminine hygiene and incest.I am wondering if these guys ever watched Family Guy or American Dad, because this is pretty much what he does for humor.
While Microsoft was clearly reaching for a hip and edgy audience, they presumably meant the "check me out, I've got an extra shot in this latte and I'm wearing an Hawaiian shirt" kind of edgy.
Bunch of thin-skinned, no-humor pansies! You tell them an ice-breaker or two about women's libbers, gays, environmentalists, several minorities, the homeless, couple of religions, anorexics, obese people, the handicapped, old farts, baldness, and people who walk real goofy because they've just had a vasectomy, and suddenly, they get all sensitive, like I offended one of them or something!
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
3:54 PM
Labels: Business, Entertainment, Media, Stupid
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
3:24 PM
Labels: Economy, Real Estate, Recession
So, oe Lieberman is now saying that Jhe will vote to filibuster on any healthcare bill that includes a public option.
Uniform, state opt out, state opt in, trigger, it does not matter.
<Sarcasm>That is such a shocker.</Sarcasm>
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
11:00 AM
Labels: Breaking News, Congress, Healthcare, Legislation, Wanker
On my most recent bank failure Friday post, there was a small bank in Otsego, MN, Riverview Community Bank that was closed by regulators.
Well, it turns out that the story of this bank is just a bit weirder than your average bank failure.
Riverview Community Bank was run by a religious nutcase who attempted to foist his religious views on his employees:
Riverview Community Bank, an Otsego firm that attracted national media attention several years ago for espousing prayer in the workplace, has been shut down by state regulators.Of course, this makes his bank hostile to non-Christian, or for that matter, non-obnoxious Christian, and as a public accommodation it also makes it hostile to non-Christian, or for that matter, non-obnoxious Christian, customers.
Early in its life, Riverview had a reputation for mixing faith and finance. Chuck Ripka, one of the bank's founders, once told the Star Tribune that God spoke to him and said, "Chuck, if you pastor the bank, I'll take care of the bottom line." Ripka and his staff would pray with customers in the bank's Otsego branch and even at the drive-up window. In a 2004 New York Times story, Ripka said he occasionally slipped up and said, "Come on over to the church -- I mean the bank."
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
8:22 AM
Labels: Corruption, Finance, Philosophy, regulation, Religion
Have you heard about Northwest flight 188?
They missed Minneapolis. They overflew it, then turned, and returned to land at the airport, and the plane was promptly swarmed by cops.
The facts that we know are that the flight lost contact with air traffic controllers for over an hour, that they over-flew Minneapolis by about 150 miles, and landed over an hour late.
Well, at first they said that they had a "heated discussion," and now they have provided further detail, saying that, "they became distracted during an extended discussion of crew scheduling that included their use of personal laptops."
Seriously, this is nuts. They were out of contact with ATC for over an hour and missed Minneapolis by 150 miles.
This is not a discussion of "crew scheduling".
Maybe one of them is sleeping with the other's wife, maybe they are sleeping with each other, or maybe they were playing a MMORPG like World of Warcraft, or doing a Doom death match over a null modem cable.
It could also be that they just dozed off, the airlines are doing their best to work these guys to death...But a "heated discussion of crew scheduling"?
Yeah, and my dog ate my homework.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
5:32 PM
Well, we know that appears that defense contractors really hate Al Franken's amendment limiting their ability to use binding arbitration to keep things like rapes of employees and discrimination cases from appearing from in open court.
Well, it now appears that, in addition to the 30 pro rape Republicans and the Obama administration, there are now reports Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Daniel Inouye is looking at stripping out the amendment.
This would be regrettable, because the law currently supports the rights of defense contractors to gang rape a woman and lock her in a box, and so the law needs to be changed.
I contacted his office, and have not heard any response at press time yet.
Full text of Franken's amendment after break:
Sec. 8104. (a) None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available by this Act may be used for any existing or new Federal contract if the contractor or a subcontractor at any tier requires that an employee or independent contractor, as a condition of employment, sign a contract that mandates that the employee or independent contractor performing work under the contract or subcontract resolve through arbitration any claim under title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 or any tort related to or arising out of sexual assault or harassment, including assault and battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, false imprisonment, or negligent hiring, supervision, or retention.
(b) The prohibition in subsection (a) does not apply with respect to employment contracts that may not be enforced in a court of the United States.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
5:02 PM
Labels: Corruption, Defense, Evil, Justice
And why do we pay them to manage our money?
Case in point, Paul Donovon, managing director and deputy head of global economics at UBS who is seen here on video suggesting that the recovery will be 'Swoosh' shaped.
Swoosh shaped? This has to be the lamest analogy used to pump up the recovery that I have heard this far:
What is going on is that their customers are dying off, and the next generation is just not interested in paying for bad journalism.
So newspaper circulation fell by 10.6% over the past year.
The first time that I saw footage of the protests at GW Bush's inauguration in 2001 was in Fahrenheit 911.
The MSM was doing bizarre camera shots that were determined to hide it all, and the print media did the same.
For anyone who is at all web savvy, why read the New York Times when the Times of London, or BBC, or Guardian does a better job?
There are a number of problems, such as corporate slant in the news (GE/NBC), but the biggest problem is that newspapers are being managed by people who do not believe in newspapers, but rather by people who are little more than chop shop operators.
This is, as I have said before, you saw this in rail in the 1960s and 1970s, when the companies running railroads decided that it was a dying industry, and so cut people, cut maintenance, cut modernization, and cut infrastructure, and in so doing, they very nearly killed it off.
The news industry has become corporate owned, and acceded to the demands of Wall Street by digesting itself to generate the requisite profit margins, and now, there is very little left by way of quality product for people to want to buy.
Posted by
Matthew Saroff
4:29 PM
Labels: Business, Journalism