Israel Looking at Adapting ATBM to AAM Use
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Python 5 and Derby

Stunner with 2nd stage
Rafael's video Pr0n, H/t ELP Defens(c)e Blog
Israel is looking at using its Stunner anti-missile interceptor as a starting point for follow-ons to their Python 5 and Derby missiles.Stunner with 2nd stage
Rafael's video Pr0n, H/t ELP Defens(c)e Blog
The Python is a 6" diameter short range (20+ km) infrared guided dogfight missile, and the Derby is a slightly lengthened version active radar guided version with with an ogive nose, and other aerodynamic cleanups (and possibly a longer motor) to achieve a range of about 50km, so replacing both of these with one derivative of another missile is certainly in the realm of possibility.
On the basis of the pictures here, and not much else, it appears that the 2nd stage of the Stunner is about the same size as the Python/Derby.
I'm not sure how much would be gained by developing a Python replacement on this platform, the as the missile already has excellent kinematics, as shown by the marketing video, though marketing videos should always be taken with a bit of a grain of salt.
That being said, given the Stunner's configuration, the 2nd stage has a dual pulse motor, the 1st stage that would not be carried in an air launched version, could give significant increases in range and lethality for any potential Derby successor.
Here is my earlier post on the Stunner missile.
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