Bummer of a birth mark, Governor Paterson
Give it up dude. People find you incompetent, uninspiring, craven, and stupid, and no amount of political organization, fund raising, and advertisements will change this, because you are incompetent, uninspiring, craven, and stupid.
A surprise in another poll, the Delaware Senate race, where Beau Biden(D)/Mike Castle(R) race has gone from 55%-34% in Castle's favor in April to 45%-40% in Biden's favor.
Admittedly, it's been 7 months between polls, but Beau Biden (Joe's kid), has not formally announced, nor have there been any scandals to change these numbers.
The only thing that people see that might have changed this, is that Mike Castle, a Republican who is known for being one of the most, if not the most liberal Republicans in Congress, cast a vote against the healthcare plan.
Castle's strength in Delaware politics was always that he was perceived an an iconoclastic man of integrity, not a party apparatchik, is now voting like a party apparatchik:
What’s responsible for the Biden surge? He’s grabbed the lead in vote-rich New Castle County, built up a 41-point lead among Democratic voters, and moved to only 5 points behind Castle among independents. According to the pollster, the shift “may be a result of negative publicity [Castle] received in the state after casting a ‘no’ vote for President Obama’s health care reform bill in the U.S. Congress.” Castle, who has thrived as a moderate Republican in an increasingly Democratic state, has been casting more partisan votes–against the stimulus package, for the Stupak amendment–that have been well-reported in Delaware.I think that if there is a final version healthcare, there will be more Republicans than just Anh "Joseph" Quang Cao voting for this bill, because some of them will realize just how toxic their leadership is from an electoral standpoint,
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