- Why Roman concrete still stands strong while modern version decays (The Guardian) I love me some history of technology.
- Cats shun expensive toys in photos on Boredom Therapy (Daily Mail Online) You buy a cat toys, it plays with the box it came in instead.
- Lots of ‘craft’ beer is brewed by Anheuser-Busch. Here’s how to spot the real stuff. (Washington Post) Basically, it's a private label that purports that the beer is not made by a conglomerate. Meh.
- Facebook: We're not just sexist, we're also innumerate! (Felix Salmon) Notes that Facebook's defense against accusations of sexism is to issue a correcting factor that that acknowledges existing sexism.
- Welcome to Our Startup Where Everyone is 23 Years Old Because We Believe Old People Are Visually Displeasing and Out of Ideas (McSweeney’s) Parody, but remarkably close to the truth.
- Ringless voicemail spam won’t be exempt from anti-robocall rules (Ars Technica) It turns out that there is a level of awfulness in business that even Republicans won't support in public.
- The Best Keyboard Ever Is Back (Popular Mechanics) Someone is releasing an updated version of IBM's buckling spring keyboard. At $300, it's kind of pricey though.
John Oliver on Sinclair Group and media consolidation in the local news sphere:
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