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Thursday, September 8, 2016

Bigger Third Party Candidate Fail

Proving, as Charles Pierce says, that the Libertarians put the wrong guy at the top of the ticket, Presidential candidate Gary Johnson, drew a blank on what the f%$# Aleppo was:

The Libertarian's 'what is Aleppo' flub comes at a particularly inopportune time for the long-shot candidate.

In a make-or-break moment, Gary Johnson broke.

During an interview in which Johnson would later say he mentally “blanked,” the Libertarian Party presidential nominee on Thursday flubbed a question on the Syrian civil war, asking, “What is Aleppo?”

His fellow MSNBC panelists were agape, as Johnson had just claimed unfamiliarity with a city at the heart of Syria’s ongoing civil war and humanitarian crisis. Johnson spent the rest of the morning on a self-flagellating apology tour, including a brief follow-up interview with Mark Halperin in which Johnson admitted frustration at his answer, an appearance on The View, and a statement of public mea culpa.
Yeah, a mea culpa on The View is going to make this all better.

You have the Green Party candidate with an arrest warrant out against her for vandalism,* this guy, and I've seen over a dozen Clinton ads this week, and they all talk more about Trump than her.

I have never seen more bizarrely self-destructive Presidential campaigns in my lifetime.

*Actually, the arrest warrant is for a protest against a pipeline company that is going straight through a sacred Indian burial ground, which is kind of cool.

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