To Protect and Serve
It's confirmed.
The Baltimore PD is nothing at all like the TV series Homicide: Life on the Street.
First we learn that for many years, the company doing psyche evals for would be BPD cadettes was phoning it in, which explains a lot:
Baltimore's spending panel has cut ties with two contractors.This might explain a lot, including the fact that Baltimore cops were caught looting during the Freddie Gray unrest:
Baltimore's spending panel voted unanimously Wednesday to take action against two companies accused of violating contracts with the city.
The Board of Estimates, which is controlled by Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, voted to immediately end a contract with a psychology firm that conducted mental health screenings for many prospective Baltimore police officers. The screenings were far shorter than required.
The $730,000 contact for Psychology Consultants Associated of Lutherville had been on suspension since last year, pending the results of a city investigation. The city's inspector general reported this week that its investigation found that nearly three-quarters of officers and trainees said that their pre-employment screenings with the firm lasted 30 minutes or less.
The contract required at least an hourlong interview for each job candidate.
In a letter to the inspector general, Baltimore Police Commissioner Kevin Davis accused the firm of "cutting corners" and putting the public and the department "at risk."
Three Baltimore police officers were accused of theft in two separate investigations — including two charged after being caught on video looting a store during the unrest that followed the death of 25-year-old Freddie Gray.
According to the Baltimore Sun, correction officers Tamika Cobb and Kendra Richard were suspended without pay after footage showed them exiting a local convenience store holding Slim Jims and Tostitos chips on April 25.
That same day, riots broke out in the city after six hours of peaceful protests calling for charges to be filed against the officers who arrested Gray earlier that month. Six officers were later charged in connection wih Gray’s death.
Both Cobb and Richard were assigned to corrections facilities downtown, near the site of the unrest. They face charges of burglary and theft, and bail was set for each of them at $35,000.
They seemed to segue nicely one into the other, or as Zathras would say, "At least there is symmetry."
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