Crowd Sourcing a Cat Naming
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Kitteh playing games

Kitteh finds this interesting

Kitteh in box

Another Paparazzi? I vant to be left alone.

Ready to take a nap anywhere

Meatball is unamused by all of this fuss
Yes, crowd sourcing. As my son said, "Crowd sourcing is sooooo 2013!"Kitteh playing games
Kitteh finds this interesting
Kitteh in box
Another Paparazzi? I vant to be left alone.
Ready to take a nap anywhere
Meatball is unamused by all of this fuss
In any case, there have been two suggestions made from family members. Sharon*, has taken to calling him (yes, he is a Tom, at least until he is old enough to get neutered) Annoying Kitten, and then started using the initials AK, which I then suggested adding -47 to, in homage of Mikhail Timofeyevich Kalashnikov's most famous contribution to the world of military arms, so she has taken to calling said cat, "AK-47".
I have two problems with this: First, it does not suit the cat. Cats are less assault rifles than they are stilettos. Second it seems that naming a pet after a weapon has a potential for accidental weapons discharge.†
Natalie, on the other hand, has suggested, "Mr. Snugglypuff," because ……… well because she is a 15 year old girl who is a theater geek. (And also, because he looks so cute, but a monster lurks behind the fur, a monster with teeth, and claws, and bent sense of humor.)
I am a firm believer that one does not name a cat. Instead, one discovers the name that a cat already had, and I do not believe that either my daughter nor my wife have captured his name.
So, what do you think that we should call the cat.
*Love of my life, light of the cosmos, she who must be obeyed, my wife.
†I had a discussion with a Vietnam vet, Peter Meeledy, about how a dog named "VC" nearly started a firefight among his unit, because, well, when someone shouts "VC" in 1969, you tend to shoot first, and ask questions later.
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