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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I Was Wondering When This Would Happen

The deed recorder for South Essex, Massachusetts asking for an investigation of MERS to see if they illegally evaded recording fees for mortgage assignments:

“It’s a basic issue of fairness. MERS says that if you are a member of their club, you can avoid fees on assignments of mortgages forever. Those are fees that everyone else pays,” [deed recorder John] O’Brien said. “I’ve never before heard of a private company that has attempted to unilaterally take over such a public function as property recordation. Imagine if someone tried to do this with drivers licenses.”
Silly man, don't you know?  The banksters don't have to obey the laws!

Here is hoping that he gets his investigation, and he nails those bastards to the wall.

H/t Atrios.

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