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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Your Gibbs Update

So, little Bobbie Gibbs has doubled down on his tantrum, refusing to offer anything beyond that he was "frustrated", and then he went on to basically say that the liberal party base are nothing but a bunch of helpless co%$ suckers who have no where else to go, so they will show up to vote like the pathetic losers that you think that they are:
A day after the controversy over Gibbs' remarks was seemingly been put to rest by a quick walk-back from the press secretary, Wednesday's briefing seems likely to reignite the debate over the White House's relationship with liberals. But if there was nervousness over base voters not heading to the polls, Gibbs didn't show it:

"I don't think [liberal voters won't show up]," he said, "because I think what's at stake in November is too important to do that."
The translation here is, "Neener-neener you dweebs! What are you going to do, vote for Ralph Nader."

That's really going to invigorate the base.

First, what The Rude Pundit said:
Finally, f%$# you, Mr. Press Secretariat, because you should be wooing the f%$# out of us. You should be trying to get in our underwear and hand job us with a smile on your face instead of treating us like a convenient punching bag because you don't want to offend the precious "real America" or whatever bullsh%$ phrase politicians want to use to isolate and alienate us. Why? Because we're the ones that made sure you are the Press Secretary.
(%$# mine)

And then we have Alan Grayson saying that he should be fired, and notes that he is frequently referred to as "Bozo the spokesman."

If there is a lesson of the past 40 years in Politics, it is that dissing your base is a way to lose elections.

If this is how the Obama administration thinks it should win elections, I have no clue how the beat McCain in 2008.

*In a 110% purely heterosexual kind of way, of course, as the General would say.

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