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Wednesday, August 18, 2010

He's Not the Wanker of the Day……

But only because Howard Dean gets that honor today.

Once again, it's Chris Dodd, who continues to audition for his 7-figure lobbying gig, because after sending out signals that she was a great candidate, but not confirmable, there has been a groundswell of support that appears to be dragging the Obama administration kicking and screaming into nominating her. (I still don't think that they will)

So now Dodd has taking a new tack, saying that he is unsure if she is qualified:

"If the president wants to name her and it goes through the hearing process, then fine, she'll have my support," Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) told the Hartford Courant editorial board. "But she has to tell me more than just she's a good consumer advocate or that's she's got a great campaign.

"It isn't just a question of being a consumer advocate. I want to see that she can manage something, too."
Dude, you ran for President of the United States, and you never managed anything bigger than a a Senator's office.


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