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Monday, August 9, 2010

Obama Consensus Building: The Incumbent Oligopolies Win, We Lose

Google and Verizon have released the details of their carve up the internet among the big players proposal:

Google Inc. and Verizon Communications Inc. on Monday called for equal treatment of most Internet traffic while at the same time saying fast-growing cellular networks and yet-to-be-developed broadband services should be exempt from such restrictions.

Google and Verizon released a proposal arguing that broadband providers shouldn't be able to discriminate against Internet content providers. Marcelo Prince and Amy Schatz discuss. Also, Dennis Berman discusses why bond investors are giving up on recovery and jobs.

The ideas outlined in the proposal put forth by the Internet search giant and one of the largest broadband providers stand in contrast to the Federal Communications Commission's recent proposals on "net neutrality" rules, which would prevent companies from giving preferential handling to certain types of online traffic.

In Google's case, the proposal's endorsements of two-tier Internet service and a hands-off approach to cellular-based Web services represent a break with many other online companies, which have argued for strict neutrality in how Internet traffic is treated. Google itself previously expressed general support for rules prohibiting discrimination among forms of Web traffic.
This is a direct consequence of the tenor and approach of Barack Obama. It is clear that in internet access, the incumbents have taken billions of government subsidies, and used this money to cement their monopoly positions, rather than improvement access.

It's why US internet performance and penetration* is the worst in the developed world.

These are not people who you partner with to get the outcome you want, these are people you defeat to get the outcomes you want.

As to the long term consequences, I'll go with what Atrios says:
I'm one who thinks that ultimately the forces of light will prevail and the repeated attempts to carve out internet walled gardens will, over the long run, fail as killing the internet would... kill the internet. But the long run is a long time and companies will likely screw and gouge us over the not very short run unless the FCC acts.
So not hopey changey, and as I have said before, this sort of craven acquiescence to the incumbent players who screwed everything in the first place appears to be a core philosophy of Barack Obama and His Clueless Minions, whether it be telecommunications, finance, healthcare, etc.

*That sounds dirty, doesn't it?

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