You Cannot Negotiate With the Insane
A hack writer once said that, "A gaffe is when a politician tells the truth."*
Well, John Kyle just had a bit of a gaffe.
He just said that tax cuts never need to be paid for, just spending:
You cannot run a hospital with people who believe in bleeding and leeches.†
There is simply no basis for rational cooperation with moonbats.
[on edit]
I should note that insanity is the best spin on what Kyle said. A more likely interpretation is that the real goal here is to create deficits at such a level that cuts government, particularly to social services,‡ are inevitable.
It's called, "starve the beast."
H/t Ezra Klein.
*Michael Kinsley, who is evidence that mindless contrarianism is never a substitute for real insight.
†Yes, I am aware of the fact that there are actually medical treatments that involve bleeding and leeches,most notably iron poisoning and reattaching limbs, it's a metaphor.
‡But of course, we must never ever reign in our bloated wasteful Pentagon.
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