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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Dick Cheney Has No Pulse

Dick Cheney just had a left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implanted to bypass his failing left ventricle, because his heart was failing.

Because it's a constant flow device, an impeller that spins at around 9000 RPM, it means that he has no pulse.

It also means that he is in a very, very, bad way health wise.

Realistically, it means that he will either be a heart transplant recipient, or he will be dead by 2011.

I won't make a prediction on which way that cuts, though my guess is that Dick has been pulling strings to get to the head of the list, but I will predict that when Dick Cheney dies, Barack Obama will be offering an over the top obsequious eulogy calling him a "great American" or somesuch crap within 48 hours of his passing.

Me, I want him to live long enough to die in prison.

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