Sestak-Specter Primary Battle Closes
Date | 5/2 | 5/3 | 5/4 |
Arlen Specter | 48% | 49% | 46% |
Joe Sestak | 40% | 40% | 42% |
Undecided | 12% | 11% | 12% |
If you use the rule of thumb that undecideds break against the incumbent by 2:1, Specter still appears to have the advantage, but it is a lot closer than it was a last, when Specter had a 20+% lead, 53%-32%.
I would be surprised if Specter wins by more than 3% when the primary is held in 2 weeks.
Note that the polls here describe Specter's popularity among Democrats, and he is severely damaged goods, so the general, against the antediluvian Pat Toomey, he will have a very tough road to hoe.
Basically, he switched parties because he wants to stay a senator, and everyone knows it, and it's unseemly, and no one trusts him, though the
This is yet another reason why I implore my readers not to give to the DSCC the DCCC, or the DNC (Post Dean): they are first and foremost an incumbent protection program.
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