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Friday, January 17, 2014

Added to My List of They Who Must Not Be Named ……… for a While, at Least ………

Victoria Jackson, the ditsy SNL alum who has devolved into right wing parody, has been added to my, "They Who Must Not Be Named," list.

Normally, she would be beneath the level of notice sufficient to get on the list, but seeing as how she is
making noises about running for public office, I have put her on the list, at least until she actually runs:

I’m a proud, unabashed, and unapologetic Liberal. No surprise there, eh? That said, I’m not one to believe that only people who think like me are worthy of being involved in our political process. Yes, I believe most of today’s Conservative ideology is not just wrong, but dangerously so, but I think our democracy is best served by having both sides of the political/ideological fence represented. If nothing else, maintaining that sort of balance/tug of war helps to prevent the sorts of excess that can happen when one party enjoys an unbreakable grip on power.

Our democracy works best (and arguably only works at all) when those involved in setting policy have both feet firmly grounded in reality. With the advent of the Tea Party, that reality has been repeatedly proven to be elusive. The examples are too numerous to mention. Government doesn’t work when the people involved in it are, for lack of a more polite description, bat-$#!% crazy. I say this because it’s comes to light that Victoria Jackson, the Tea Party’s Queen of Bat-$#!% Crazy, is contemplating getting into politics. For reasons known only to herself, Jackson thinks she actually has something of value to offer. Unfortunately, the ability and willingness to repeatedly make a fool of oneself publicly isn’t much of a resume for an aspiring public servant. ………
In the name of all that is holy, I hope never to write of her ever again, but if she actually runs for office………

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