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Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Senate Passes Obama's Healthcare Bill

The vote was 60-39.

Say what you will, but it's been clear from the start that what Barack Obama and Rahm Emanuel have been interested in is Barack Obama signing a bill called "Healthcare Reform," whether it helped ordinary people or not, and the Senate version fits the description to a "T".

Obama has already made it clear that he wants the Senate bill to be the one out of committee, as shown by his full throated support of the tax on "Cadillac" insurance plan tax.

It means that, in addition to everything else, the bill is anti-union too, because protecting health care for their workers has been the Unions rear guard action for the past 28 years, ever since Reagan made union-busting cool with PATCO.

So, we will now allow insurance companies to levy a tax on ordinary Americans, and Rahmbama just loves that.

I had rather hoped that a few of the Senate Democrats, and those who caucus with them (I'm talking to you Bernie Sanders) would have had the guts to vote for cloture but against the bill, but no such luck.

At the rate things are going, we will get someone even more batsh%$ insane than George W. Bush in 2012, because there is no Republican on the national scene who is saner than he is right now.

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