- College fraternities will make you dumber — and richer (MarketWatch) Frats provide members social capital, which offsets the damage to the learning process
- Sears's History Predicts Almost Everything Amazon's Doing (The Atlantic) The parallels are striking.
- More Black Women Are Realizing That the Democratic Party Is Full of Sh%$, New Poll Finds (The Root) Seriously, 30 years of sucking up to rich white guys. What do they expect?
- Seven Rules for Running a Real Left-Wing Government (Ian Welsh) Break up media conglomerates, understand that the bureaucracy will sabotage you as will the international financial establishment.
- MongoDB Looking To Create Unholy Trinity Of Terrible NYC Tech IPOs (Dealbreaker) Reminds me of Steve Gilliard's devastating takedowns of dotcoms through their S-1's in the 1990s. Good read.
- Financialization impedes climate change mitigation: Evidence from the early American solar industry (Science Magazine) There is nothing that finance cannot make worse.
- Bill Gates now uses an Android phone (CNET) Fail.
- Our Open-Plan Office Failed, So We’re Moving to a Towering Panopticon (McSweeney’s Internet Tendency) Hilarious.
- ACLU of Louisiana Condemns Bossier Parish's Threats to Students’ First Amendment Rights (ACLU of Louisiana) School district threatens kids who might take a knee. ACLU unamused.
Caption this picture: (H/T naked capitalism)

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