- Teflon and steel are out. Indian are switching back to cast iron and earthen cookware. (The Scroll) Some times, the old ways are better.
- After ‘crisis of conscience,’ ex-Cigna exec hopes to set the record straight on health care (Columbia Journalism Review) Former PR Drone for Cigna reveals that they are lying parasites.
- The Demise Of Tilt: A Bargain For Airbnb, A Classic Loss For Investors Like Andreessen Horowitz (Fastcompany) The the degree to which Silicon Valley "Unicorns" resemble not particularly ingenious bunco artists is striking.
- Researchers link meeting corporate earnings goals to worker injuries (Left Labor Reporter) Capitalism 101
- Senate ID Cards Use A Photo Of A Chip Rather Than An Actual Smart Chip (Techdirt) Up there with the CD drive being used as a cup holder.
- Verizon bungles launch of $70 gigabit plan, which costs more than $70 (Ars Technica) It varies depending on your current plan, and their estimate as to your cost may have no relationship with reality. Clearly internet broadband needs more deregulation.
Study on AT&T’s fiber deployment: 1Gbps for the rich, 768kbps for the poor (Ars Technica) We don't care, we don't have to ……… we're the phone company.
- Orleans Parish prosecutors are using fake subpoenas to pressure witnesses to talk to them (The Lens) Why isn't everyone who did this facing disbarment?
Not a video this time, because this still picture is too good:

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