Silly Rabbit, Religious Freedom is Just for Christians
Unfortunately, this was a Muslim prayers, so he was given an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.
I don't ever recall that ever happening to Tim Tebow.
Today, the NFL actually called out the Zebras, and apologized:
The N.F.L. said Tuesday that Kansas City Chiefs safety Husain Abdullah was mistakenly penalized by a game official when he knelt to pray after scoring a touchdown Monday night.If Abdullah had Tebowed, he would not have gotten a penalty.
In the fourth quarter of the Chiefs’ 41-14 victory over the New England Patriots, Abdullah, who is Muslim, intercepted a pass by Tom Brady and returned it 39 yards for a touchdown. After he entered the end zone, he slid on his knees and bowed forward in prayer, with his head touching the turf.
He was given a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.
An N.F.L. spokesman said Tuesday that Abdullah should not have been penalized. “Officiating mechanic is not to flag player who goes to ground for religious reasons,” Michael Signora, the spokesman, said on Twitter.
Players routinely gesticulate and thank God after scoring touchdowns. Most prominently, Tim Tebow, the former Denver Broncos quarterback, knelt on one knee after scoring. Tebowing became an Internet meme.
You know it, I know it, and even the generally clueless National Football League knows this.
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