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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Krugman is Right

But it turns out that they didn’t even wait for any actual budget deal. Here’s Marco Rubio yesterday (via Ezra Klein):
The first part is, of course, simply a lie: numerous reports tell us that McConnell did in fact make precisely that demand. And let’s remember this when Rubio makes his run for the White House: we already know that he’s an unprincipled liar. But anyway, you see how it will go — and why the whole notion of settling matters fiscal with a Grand Bargain was always crazy. You can’t make big deals with a totally untrustworthy negotiating partner.
It does not make sense to negotiate with terrorists, but that meant nothing to Democrats, who went 10:1 for the bill, while the Republicans went nearly 2:1 against.

They will be seeing ads from 'Phants about this within weeks.

To paraphrase a Roman general whose name I forget about the Germanic tribes, Republicans are completely trustworthy only for so long as you have your boot on their neck.

Particularly in the House, it should have been made clear that this would only pass if the Republicans delivered at least 150 votes.

You don't just pass the bill, you shame them.

If you want to cut a deal with these folks, you

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