I Get Emails
I am not sure if this is a function of my blogging, or of my work for Democracy for America 2004-2009, but I just got an email from the Maryland Democratic Party asking me to apply to be a pledged delegate for Barack Obama at the 2012 convention.
It appears that they don't read my blog.
Needless to say, I will not be applying. Even if I were to be accepted (as in, how much can you bundle in donations for the party, Mr. Saroff), I could not in good faith be a pledged delegate, because I don't want to be in a position to where I promised to vote for him.
From: David SloanIf any of you want to apply, feel free to click through for the links. I promise that they don't lead to Goatse or Lemon Party.*
Subject: I want to see you in Charlotte
Reply-To: mdconvention2012@gmail.com
To: msaroff@xxxxxx.xxxMatthew-
You only have one week left to submit an online application to become a delegate for President Obama in Charlotte. There is so much grassroots interest in the Convention, so I want to make sure you apply to join us before the deadline next Saturday.
The President has called the 2012 Convention the "People's Convention" because it is really about you. Yes, we will make history again as we renominate Barack Obama - but the Convention will also embody and celebrate the ideals, values and vision we share as Democrats. That is why I want you to take part in the delegate selection process.
Remember, in order to qualify to become a Maryland Delegate you must complete an online application by December 10, and file at the State Board of Elections between January 3 and January 11, 2012.
If you have any questions, make sure to sign-up for my last informational conference call on Sunday, December 4th at 6:00 PM. You can also check out our website or email me.
The Convention in Charlotte will be a special event for the thousands who attend and the millions who will be watching. That's why the Party is committed to running an open process that will give as many people the opportunity to participate as possible.
Thanks so much,
David Sloan
Executive Director
Maryland Democratic Party
PS: The application deadline is 7 days away. Apply today!
*If you do not know what Goatse or Lemon Party are, for all that is holy, don't Google it. Seriously. You are better off not knowing. If you see them, it will change you. Forever.
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