Chris Dodd, the senior Senator from Connecticut, is not running for reelection because he cannot win. He is too unpopular.
In fact, about the only person in the state that he might beat is Joe Lieberman, the junior Senator from Connecticut, who is currently polling behind a case of the clap.
Well, now that Dodd is not running, the new front runner in the state is Democratic Attorney General Richard Blumenthal.
Unfortunately, he has decided to take his cue from Joe Lieberman:
Barack Obama shouldn’t expect an invitation from fellow Democrat Dick Blumenthal anytime soon: Blumenthal said in a New Haven stop that the president “may not want to come here” to stump for his U.S. Senate campaign, given how independent he claimed he’ll be if elected.(emphasis mine)
That turnabout in partisan loyalty emerged Monday night as Blumenthal continued tacking away from his liberal roots —including through newly expanded support for military tribunals for domestic terror suspects.
The explanation is that Massachusetts changes everything.
No, it doesn't. The election of a Republican in Massachusetts was all about voters disgusted with Democrats not getting stuff done when they had near historic majorities.
And who prevented anything from getting done?
Well, that would be Senators like Joe Lieberman.
I will leave Mr. Blumenthal with the words of Harry S Truman, "Given the choice between a Republican and someone who acts like a Republican, , people will vote for the real Republican all the time"
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