Don't Give to the DNC
Contributions to the DNC Paid This Man to Sabotage Healthcare Reform
Turns out, though, that it's [see attached video] not a Ben Nelson campaign ad. It's hard to read the disclaimer, but the ad was paid for by the Nebraska Democratic Party. It's one of a series of ad touting Nelson's "courageous" effort to bring down real health care reform. More of the ads can be seen here and here.We already know that they are doing nothing about LGBT civil rights, now we know that since Howard Dean has left the chairmanship, they oppose meaningful healthcare reform too.
So, one wonders, where did the Nebraska Democratic Party get the money to pay for these TV ads?
Find your candidates, and donate to them. The DNC, DCCC, the DSCC, and OFA are going to spend your money on people like Ben Nelson.
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