Why Conservatives are Dancing Like the Palestinians Did on 911*
You know, I'm not a big fan of the Olympics. I know of no event which has drifted further from its original purpose, which was that athletes set aside national differences, and compete for the "joy of the sport."
The Olympics these days is all about nationalism, commercialism, and pumping up national differences.
When this is juxtaposed with the enormous costs, which always seem to overrun their budget and require a taxpayer bailout, I know that if I lived in Chicago, I would be strongly opposed to the Olympics being in the Windy City.
So, there are many valid reasons not to want the Olympics in your city, or your country.
That being said, the behavior of the right wing was all about, as Nuisance Industry at Daily Kos notes, celebrating the defeat of the United States of America:
Let me close with Nuisance Industry's last sentence, "So I conclude with all due compassion: Get the f$#@ out of my country." ($#@ mine)That's not what this is about. Today, great joy and celebration greeted America losing the Olympics. This joy was not in the streets of Rio (where celebrations certainly are underway), but in the offices and studios of people who facetiously claim to be patriotic Americans.
It's happening in the offices of the Weekly Standard:
Standard blogger John McCormack published a celebratory post on the magazine’s blog, titled "Chicago Loses! Chicago Loses!." McCormack wrote that "Cheers erupt at WEEKLY STANDARD world headquarters
It's happening in Glenn Beck's studios, where Herr Beck declared the news is "so sweet." In Herr Limabugh's studio, the bloated junkie happily declared this "the worst day of Obama's presidency."
Newsmax, the fascist organization that earlier this week fantasized about a military coup against the president, happily tweeted "ChicagP//n3D!"
We get it. You hate not just our president, but our country. You hate us for our freedoms. You'd rather have our people die that provide them health care that doesn't bankrupt them. You'd rather risk catastrophic damage to the environment rather than doing something about greenhouse gases. You actively fantasize about killing the president and hamstringing government from doing the work of government. (I would have guessed that this Norquistian fantasy would have subsided after you so successfully drowned New Orleans, but that just whetted your appetite for more American blood.) The United States loses the opportunity to host the Olympics, and you're thrilled, simply because you can't stand that the president is a Democrat?
*I know, you're about to say it was all 10 year old video of the invasion of Iraq. The problem is that it was actually video of September 11, 2001, and the "10 year old video" bit was dreamed up by a Brazilian student. The claim of fraud is the actual fraud, and it's not just Snopes (link above) that confirms this.
Not only is there documentation of the celebration across the Arab world, there is ample documentation of the cover-up by the PA, which confiscated footage from reporters.†
†The real question to be asked about Arabs celebrating 911 is not whether they did so, but why they did so.
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